
What Dental Nurses Need To Know About Enhanced CPDs

We all know that CPD's are an integral part of the Dental Nurses journey and development but from the 1st August 2018, there has been a change in the mode of CPD's. What exactly has changed and what does it mean for you? we delves into eCPDs and what you need to know.

Dental Nurses must undertake a minimum of 50 hours of eCPD. A minimum of 10 hours over 2 years within a 5 year cycle. It's a requirement to gain quality verifiable eCPD. But you can undertake other activities.

Dental Nurses will also be required to keep Personal Development Plans (PDP), evidence completed activities in the form of certificates and identify when reflection will take place. Good Practice Reflective logs will also need to be completed on the eCPD they have taken.

Highlighted below are the main reasons to complete CPD's:

- CPD ensures your capabilities keep pace and in line with current standards of others in the dental field.

- CPD ensures you maintain and enhance your knowledge and the skill set.

- CPD contributes to improved patient care.

- CPD makes sure you are equipped with the tools required to meet and maintain high professional standards.


The importance of CPD should not be underestimated, dental nurses are professionals and as such comes responsibilities.

DTC offers a wide range of FREE CPD's, please feel free to browse the Dental Training College Course Pages and top up on those ever so important eCPD's.

Remember not only is it a requirement but it's an integral part of your development.


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